Money And Influence: A Critical Look At The Illinois Policy Institute

What do billionaires, corporate lobbyists, and anti-labor politicians have in common? They all love the Illinois Policy Institute (IPI). Why? Because IPI is a corporate-funded think tank that promotes their special interests, no matter the cost to Illinois families.

Money And Influence: A Critical Look At The Illinois Policy Institute
New poll reveals what voters really think of America’s most powerful – Source

The Pain Points

IPI’s pro-corporate agenda has real-world consequences for Illinoisans. For example, IPI lobbied against a minimum wage increase that would have helped struggling workers make ends meet. They also support tax breaks for wealthy corporations that drive up taxes for everyone else.

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Chicago Teachers Unions Throw Millions Behind Left-Wing Mayoral – Source

The Target: Illinois Families

IPI’s goal is to create a state where corporations have free rein and workers have no say. They want to gut public education, privatize healthcare, and limit access to affordable housing. Their agenda is clear: to make Illinois a less equitable and less prosperous place for everyone but the wealthy elite.

Amendment One: Collective bargaining amendment brings national labor
Amendment One: Collective bargaining amendment brings national labor – Source

The Solution: Unmasking IPI

It’s time to expose IPI for what it really is: a corporate propaganda machine that puts profits before people. We need to shine a light on their shady funding sources and their deceptive tactics. By educating Illinoisans about IPI’s true agenda, we can fight back against their harmful policies.

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Lesson 8.02 Money and Influence in Politics
Lesson 8.02 Money and Influence in Politics – Source

Money and Influence: A Critical Look at the Illinois Policy Institute

The Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) is a right-wing think tank that promotes conservative policies on education, healthcare, and taxes. It was founded in 2002 by Bruce Rauner, a wealthy businessman who later became Governor of Illinois. IPI’s research has often been criticized as biased and misleading.

Illinois Policy Institute
Illinois Policy Institute – Source

Money and Influence: A Critical Look at the Illinois Policy Institute

IPI has close ties to corporate interests. Its board of directors includes executives from major corporations such as Exelon, Caterpillar, and ADM. IPI’s research often reflects the interests of these corporations. For example, IPI has supported tax breaks for corporations and opposed minimum wage increases.

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History and Myths

IPI’s history is marked by controversy. In 2012, IPI was accused of plagiarizing research from other think tanks. IPI has also been criticized for its close ties to corporate interests. Some critics have accused IPI of being nothing more than a mouthpiece for corporate lobbyists.

Teacher pensions: The full story — 1IL
Teacher pensions: The full story — 1IL – Source

History and Myths of Money and Influence: A Critical Look at the Illinois Policy Institute

Despite these criticisms, IPI continues to play a major role in Illinois politics. IPI’s research is frequently cited by conservative politicians and media outlets. IPI’s supporters argue that its research is sound and that it provides a valuable voice for free market principles.

Influence Give You the Money Stock Image - Image of currency, banking
Influence Give You the Money Stock Image – Image of currency, banking – Source

Hidden Secrets

In 2016, IPI released a report that claimed that Illinois had the highest property taxes in the nation. This report was widely criticized by experts, who pointed out that IPI’s methodology was flawed. IPI defended its report, but it never released the data that it used to support its claims.

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2020 Annual Report | Illinois Policy – Source

Hidden Secrets of Money and Influence: A Critical Look at the Illinois Policy Institute

IPI’s hidden secrets extend beyond its research practices. In 2017, it was revealed that IPI had received millions of dollars from the Koch Brothers, a pair of wealthy conservative donors. IPI had never disclosed this funding, even though it is required to do so by law.

Illinois’ ‘independent’ news network publishes pro-Rauner propaganda
Illinois’ ‘independent’ news network publishes pro-Rauner propaganda – Source


IPI is a powerful force in Illinois politics. Its research and advocacy have played a major role in shaping public policy in the state. However, IPI’s close ties to corporate interests and its history of misleading research raise serious concerns about its credibility.

Recommendations for Money and Influence: A Critical Look at the Illinois Policy Institute

We recommend that Illinoisans be skeptical of IPI’s research. We also recommend that IPI disclose its funding sources more transparently. Finally, we recommend that policymakers consider the potential bias of IPI’s research when making decisions about public policy.

Criticisms of IPI’s Research

IPI’s research has been criticized for being biased and misleading. For example, a 2016 report by IPI claimed that Illinois had the highest property taxes in the nation. This report was widely criticized by experts, who pointed out that IPI’s methodology was flawed.

Criticisms of Money and Influence: A Critical Look at the Illinois Policy Institute

IPI has also been criticized for its close ties to corporate interests. For example, IPI’s board of directors includes executives from major corporations such as Exelon, Caterpillar, and ADM. IPI’s research often reflects the interests of these corporations. For example, IPI has supported tax breaks for corporations and opposed minimum wage increases.

Tips for Evaluating IPI’s Research

When evaluating IPI’s research, it is important to keep in mind its close ties to corporate interests. It is also important to consider the potential bias of its researchers. Here are some tips for evaluating IPI’s research:

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Tips for Evaluating Money and Influence: A Critical Look at the Illinois Policy Institute

1. Consider the source: Who funded the research? Is the researcher affiliated with any particular political or corporate interest?
2. Examine the methodology: How did the researcher collect and analyze the data? Were there any limitations to the study?
3. Look for bias: Does the research present a fair and balanced view of the issue? Does it consider all of the relevant evidence?

Fun Facts about IPI

IPI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. This means that it is tax-exempt and may not engage in political activity.

  • IPI’s annual budget is approximately $10 million.
  • IPI has a staff of approximately 25 people.
  • IPI’s offices are located in Chicago, Illinois.

How to Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved in the fight against IPI. Here are a few ideas:

How to Get Involved with Money and Influence: A Critical Look at the Illinois Policy Institute

  • Contact your elected officials and let them know your concerns about IPI.
  • Support organizations that are working to expose IPI’s agenda.
  • Educate your friends and neighbors about IPI.

What If…

What if IPI’s research was unbiased and free from corporate influence? What if IPI was truly dedicated to the public interest? It’s hard to say for sure, but it’s possible that IPI could play a positive role in Illinois politics.

What If... Money and Influence: A Critical Look at the Illinois Policy Institute

IPI could use its resources to conduct independent research on important issues facing Illinois. IPI could also provide a platform for diverse voices to be heard. By doing so, IPI could help to inform public debate and make Illinois a better place for everyone.

Listicle: 5 Things You Need to Know About IPI

1. IPI is a right-wing think tank that promotes conservative policies on education, healthcare, and taxes.

  1. IPI has close ties to corporate interests.
  2. IPI’s research has been criticized for being biased and misleading.
  3. IPI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which means that it is tax-exempt and may not engage

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